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Dwight Van Mann 12:49 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
It's demonstrably clear that Halal and Pickle is the Kremlin troll. There's no other explanation - that someone could, day after day, keep making such a cunt of themselves.

Make it make sense

MaryMillingtonsGhost 12:42 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
only1billybonds 12:32

Please mate, for the love of God.

Hammer and Pickle 12:37 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Actually, i’m interested in talking about how you are being manipulated into fucking up your own country as it goes.

only1billybonds 12:32 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Oh, so you telling us about the pain you suffered at the hands of the Ruskies was Bellshill?

Thought so.

Hammer and Pickle 12:29 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
The USSR was a defining feature of an entire monumentally difficult century for millions. Yet you seem to be interested in talking bullshit about me, braincell. Don’t you think maybe you are perhaps missing something here?

only1billybonds 12:22 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Who knows, maybe all of em, maybe none of them. What is abundantly clear tho is you have an unhealthy obsession with the Kremlin/Putin.

Do you still insist that the USSR ruined your life or were you just being dramatic for attention ?

Hammer and Pickle 12:12 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Evening braincell - try not to take this personally and address the basic question:

Who of the ERG would you say are definitely not doing the bidding of the Kremlin?

only1billybonds 12:08 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Fucking he'll fourpence, you really don't care how much of a cunt you make yourself look do you.

Hammer and Pickle 12:07 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Which of the ERG would you say are not Kremlin operatives, Lotus Flower? Are there any?

Dwight Van Mann 12:03 Thu May 9
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Hammer and Pickle 11:50 Wed May 8

FFS we've all heard your history mate - we know you have a long standing historic family hatred for Jews, your grandad was the best jew catcher, blah blah blah your dad had to flee the Bolsheviks etc etc

Hammer and Pickle 11:50 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Israel is now more estranged from its allies and discredited than ever in its history, Forgetmenot. Do you really believe having a support-base that treats the Book of Leviticus as a recipe for life is such a good idea after all?

Dwight Van Mann 11:43 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Hammer and Pickle 11:29 Wed May 8

did you have that word salad with some halal mutton?

Hammer and Pickle 11:29 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Serious question Periwinkle.

Do you really believe having the most cranky and uptight politics is an effective way of getting back at the cool and open-minded folk for whom you bear such a grudge? Yes it’s true, it’s a democracy and mobilised and drilled via social media, you really can fuck things up for yourself to spite them, but really, just consider…

… is it worth it?

Dwight Van Mann 11:10 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
WHU(Exeter) 10:54 Wed May 8

Greasy Greggs incoming...

WHU(Exeter) 10:54 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Debs, I am not missing any point at all.

I said that your earlier post was 100% incorrect and therefore not a "good example".

I stand by that because it is.

If you'd like to distract from that and bring umpteen other things into the equation, then crack on.

Dwight Van Mann 10:07 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Debs, when the mujahideen horde finally rampage sthrough Europe would you rather be touched up by Pickles' halal butcher or by Pickle getting all saucy with his neck, like a giraffe does?.

only1billybonds 7:57 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
The remainers lied through their arrest as well, get over it, it's do e and over.

Darlo Debs 7:24 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
..and if you think.tbere wasn't elements on the leave side who weren't corrupt or who didn't have vile intent you are deluded.

Hammer and Pickle 7:23 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Afternoon Pointy

Only reason the Leave blue-rinsers are not doing the bidding of any big corporations is they are too cranky and marginal to be of any use at all.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:02 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
Darlo Debs 3:16 Thu May 2

'A government with vile intent or who.are corrupt and in the pocket of big powerful corporations'

Like Cameron's Remainer Tories, you mean?

Darlo Debs 6:10 Wed May 8
Re: Hamas attack Israel
WHU it's you missing the point. Doesn't matter who.was denying them the right to free and fair elections their rights are still being undermined by a form of dictatorship.

Iran and Russia show us examples of what happens when you try to protest in those places.

When there are so many historical examples of why we shouldn't trust governments I can't imagine why anyone would trust this useless rabble to replace the terms of the ECHR into.a bill.of rights for us. No thanks.

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